Martha Lucia is an anointed Watchman/Prophet with an Apostolic call to lay a foundation of prayer and the Word of the Lord in the lives of God’s people.  Through fervent prayer and the study of His Word, the Lord has given Martha revelatory keys of effective prayer and divine strategies to see the strongholds of the enemy dismantled and the Kingdom of God established in the local church as well as in cities, states and nations.

Martha relocated to north Florida in 1992, where she heads the intercessory prayer teams for Christian International Ministries Network.  In 1996, she was ordained as the General of Intercession, with a mandate from God to raise up an army of intercessors.  The Lord has positioned Martha to be a pioneer in the area of teaching intercession, and to bring the Church back to an effective prayer life and strong intercession, including times of spiritual birthing and travail.

Martha is also the editor and creator of an international newsletter dedicated to the ministry of the watchman called "The Watchman Newsletter."  God is challenging us to bring clarity to the ministry of the watchman and to see it raised to its function and purpose.

Martha is part of an "Eagles of God" team created by Dr. Peter Wagner, and directed by Chuck Pierce, both of Global Harvest Ministries.  With their eyes on the Nations they receive direction from God for on site prophetic proclamation, prayer, and intercession, and are on call to go anywhere in the world within 24 hours.  She has also helped write a book on the 40/70 window, published by Global Harvest, entitled "The Queen’s Domain".